Fantastic Five videos

Written by Vidya Kumar

March 4, 2015


I found few good videos on YouTube. So here is an Executive Summary for you. Enjoy with your family.

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Cashville Kidz – Animated Video Series for Kids – on Money
Cashville Kidz (episode 1 to 24) is a series of educational animated videos for kids on topic like money. Kids usually like cartoons. So in this video they will learn about money with fun. All 24 episodes are available on YouTube. The 24th episode video has a summary of all videos. URL to watch Cashville Kids

‘The Aim’ – Short movie for teenagers
The Aim (7.32 minute) is a motivational story of a poor boy. In today’s time if you want to give any message to your kids, they don’t like any suggestions or advises. When you see this type of movies with them you will fulfil your purpose without saying anything. This movie is all about  how a poor boy became successful with ‘The AIM’ and hard work  and rich boy spoiled his life with modern age distractions. URL to watch ‘The Aim’


Video watching with Family !!

10 Things Every Woman Should Know About Money
This video is by Brittney Castro. She is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERCM from US. She has founded FINANCIALLY WISE WOMEN. I like her videos as they are very fresh and light on a heavy topic like money : ) She shares innovative ideas to deal with finances like dating with Money, guilt free spending and so on. In this video she emphasis on a woman’s financial journey. She suggests taking a driving seat for their financial journey and investing in them. She suggests women to plan and spend guilt free on their facials, pedicure, yoga or dance class as when one feels better than one do better and live a dream life. URL to watch Brittany’s video

6 Ideas for New Tactics to Become ‘The Most Productive Person’ You Know
Robin Sharma does not need any introduction. His Mission statement is  ‘To help people and organization around the world Lead without a title’. His famous books  are ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’, ‘The Leader Who Had No Title’, ‘Who will Cry When You Will Die’ and many more. His positive, practical and energetic ideas can change anyone’s mind-set. In this 8.13 minutes video he is sharing 6 different, new and fresh ideas to become more productive in every area of our life.  The URL to watch Robin’s video

Realistic Positive Thinking by Sandeep Maheshwari
Sandeep is a Founder and CEO of ImagesBazaar which has world`s largest collection of Indian images. Apart from being a successful entrepreneur, he is a role model and youth icon of millions of people. He is changing people`s life in the form of `Free Life Changing Seminars and Sessions`. His Mantra is ‘aasaan hai!’.  His 34.18 minutes video is all about different perspective of positive thinking. Watching this video is really worth spending time. The URL to watch Sandeep’s video

Thanks to the internet and social media. We have lot more access to information and knowledge that can help in our day to day life and career. I hope all of you enjoy these videos with your family and learn a thing or two.

The author can be reached at [email protected]




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