How to save petrol consumption

Written by Vidya Kumar

February 26, 2013


With rising inflation, petrol price is rising fiercely. It has become a serious issue for all of us to look out for ways that can reduce petrol consumption which leads to Eco-driving and further to sustainability. The way you drive your car has a great impact on the amount of petrol consumed per day. The following points will help you in reducing your petrol expenses on a daily basis.

Avoid driving at high speed: When you drive at high speed, more energy is needed leading to higher petrol consumption. The energy needed to accelerate your car from 10 kmph to 20 kmph is minimal. 

Anticipating traffic in advance: Increasing amount of traffic is one of the biggest problems in a majority of metros in the country. Reading the road ahead effectively can save huge amounts of petrol. Driving the car in the same momentum requires no energy, whereas applying brakes on and off consumes a lot of petrol. 

Turn off Air Conditioner whenever possible: We all know turning on the air conditioner increases petrol consumption. But how many of you actually turn off the air conditioner when you don’t really need it? When you travel at night, or when the weather conditions are comfortable, it is better to open your car windows and let in fresh air. This not only lets you take a breath of fresh air, but also lightens your pocket by reducing petrol bills. 

Avoid tailgating: When you tailgate a car, it means you are driving too closely behind another vehicle, and are also unable to move forward. Tailgating is not only dangerous but also increases petrol consumption. It reduces the speed of your car and applying brakes continuously results in increased petrol consumption.

Reducing the weight of your car: More the weight of your car, more work the engine needs to do. Removing those extra items from car which are not essential will help you in saving petrol to a great extent.

Coasting: Coasting is a method believed to save petrol by keeping the clutch depressed for long periods or by keeping the gears in neutral whilst the car is still moving. Coasting is in fact dangerous as you lose the ability to accelerate if a potentially dangerous situation arises. Coasting also reduces the effect of braking, which is not only dangerous but also increases wearing of the brakes.

Turn off your  car at signals and traffic jams: Turning off the car while you are stuck in traffic or long duration signals really makes a lot of difference. If you see the red light will not turn green for atleast the next two minutes, or if the traffic is not moving, it is better to turn off your car, as a lot of petrol is saved in this case. 

Using other sources of fuel such as Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) or Compressed Natural Gas (CNG): Using LPG or CNG is much more eco friendly and cheaper than using petrol Although converting your car to this system will entail a substantial cost, this will definitely save your fuel bills in the long run.

Ecodriving is the need of the hour. This means smarter and fuel-efficient driving. You don’t need to specifically look for an Ecodriving course. You can simply contact a driving instructor and tell him you wish to improve your driving with a view to saving fuel costs. Even a one-off 2 hour lesson will benefit you immensely. Following the above ideas can make a substantial difference in your monthly fuel bills and also help in saving natural resources.                                                                                                                        #gettingyourich





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