Invest in the Greatest Asset Ever – You!

Written by Vidya Kumar

September 26, 2012


You might feel that your greatest wealth is your home, bank balance or property rights. But that’s not true. These are simply projections of your earning capacity, which is a direct function of your experiences and financial acumen. This means that the reason people are struggling to accumulate more wealth in their lives has to do with themselves rather than a particular investment vehicle. Want to live a fuller, more successful life and make better investments? Start with yourself!

Here are a few ideas on how you can groom yourself to reach the zenith of achievement and satisfaction:

Widen you knowledge: So how can you grow next? What will bring your band progression or give you best salary hikes in the years to come? Is there a training you can take or skills that you can develop? Specializing is good, but only up to a point. Wide exposure to different areas of knowledge endows a keen insight that helps make a difference and may set us apart. If you find something interesting, consider pursuing the subject separately through books and online courses. Another idea is to go for higher studies.

Network more: If you think you deserve better but not enough opportunities are coming your way, the problem is ineffective networking. The problem with remaining a loner and working harder is that the best of opportunities are never advertised but passed on through word of mouth. And you need to be present at the right place at the right place to get hold of them. There are many possible ways to network, but for best results it’s advisable you head to local groups of similar profession.

Don’t underestimate yourself: You’d like to earn a better income, and for that you want a position of more responsibility. But if you’re like most people, you feel unsure of yourself and let doubts stop you from taking effective action. Stop playing the victim! If there’s a challenging role available in your office, approach your boss confidently and say that you’ll make it a success. And then follow up on your words. Believe it or not, employers will choose a smart, confident manager over a more qualified one any given day.

Exercise more: A lethargic body results in a dull mind – this is a fact proven by science beyond a shadow of doubt. So strangle your excuses about not finding enough time or motivation for exercise and get started on a routine right away. Staying in good health will also act as a performance booster by making you feel good about yourself.

Of course personal growth never comes easy, but then that’s why so few are able to transform their lives. Cultivating these qualities in you will take time and patience—perhaps a lot of it—but it will be every bit worth the effort. More than any piece of land or precious metal, these investments will give you exponential returns.

Team “Getting You Rich”




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